Wills Provided to UBS/TER Technology/Chemtura/Anderol Inc. Employees Who are Members of Hyatt Legal Plan |
The Law Office of Kenneth Vercammen was selected to serve as a New Jersey Access Attorney for several of the major national legal service plans, including Hyatt Legal Plan. We prepare Wills, Powers of Attorney and Living Wills. Our offices now serve as cooperating/panel attorneys for twenty two national legal service plans. What Hyatt members can do to get started… Hyatt members should call Hyatt legal at 800.821.6400 to obtain an authorization numbers for each Will, Power of Attorney, Codicil and Living Will you want. You can always call Hyatt Legal Plans at 800.821.6400 Monday through Thursday 8-7 and Friday 8-6 Eastern Time for assistance and information about your legal plan. After obtaining an authorization number, call Kenneth Vercammen’s Law Office for a free confidential consultation and preparation of estate planning documents- all free to Hyatt members Why a Will is essential to persons with children or who own property * State law determines who gets assets, not you Who don’t you want to receive your assets? Who is not the best choice to raise your children, or safeguard your childrens money for college? Do you want children, or grandchildren, to get money when they turn 18? Will they invest money wisely, or go to Seaside and play games? A Will must not only be prepared within the legal requirements of the New Jersey Statutes but should also be prepared so it leaves no questions regarding your intentions. WHY PERIODIC REVIEW IS ESSENTIAL * Significant changes in the value of your total assets or in any particular assets which you own * Annual changes in tax law * Changes in who you like THE FOLLOWING IS A SAMPLE OF A VARIETY OF CLAUSES AND ITEMS WHICH KENNETH VERCAMMEN’S LAW OFFICE OFTEN INCLUDES IN A WILL A voluntary Hyatt group legal plan is an easy to administer benefit that provides employees with convenient, professional legal counsel at virtually no cost to the employer. American Bar Association statistics show that the average person has two or three legal needs every year. But the fear of expensive legal fees or simply not having an attorney to call are typical impediments to these needs being met. A solution is convenient, affordable access to legal services through employment-based benefit plans. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Hyatt Legal Plans is the largest provider of group legal plans, serving nearly four million people. Our participants, representing 1,000 corporate sponsors, have the option of using any attorney, anywhere, anytime.® Human resource and benefits executives cite three reasons for offering a Hyatt Legal Plan: high value, low cost and easy administration. Legal plan usage rates and employee perception of value indicate that a Hyatt legal plan is an important, valuable component of an employee benefits plan. Companies wishing to invest in the overall well-being of their employees find that it is the perfect choice to enhance a benefits package. Group legal plans may be offered as part of a flexible benefits menu from which the employee selects those benefits most appropriate to his or her needs. Legal plans offered as voluntary programs are typically paid for by the employee through payroll deductions, although some are partially funded by the employer. Kenneth Vercammen’s Law Office handle legal services for the following legal plans and their major employers: He is a highly regarded lecturer on litigation issues for the American Bar Association, ICLE, New Jersey State Bar Association and Middlesex County Bar Association. His articles have been published by New Jersey Law Journal, ABA Law Practice Management Magazine, and New Jersey Lawyer. He is the Editor in Chief of the New Jersey Municipal Court Law Review. Mr. Vercammen is a recipient of the NJSBA- YLD Service to the Bar Award. He has served as a Special Acting Prosecutor in nine different cities and towns in New Jersey and also successfully handled over One thousand Municipal Court and Superior Court matters in the past 12 years. In his private practice, he has devoted a substantial portion of his professional time to the preparation and trial of litigated matters. He has appeared in Courts throughout New Jersey several times each week on Criminal personal injury matters, Municipal Court trials, and contested Probate hearings. He serves as the Editor of the popular legal website www.njlaws.com KENNETH VERCAMMEN & ASSOCIATES |
To email Ken V, go here: http://www.njlaws.com/ContactKenV.html
Kenneth Vercammen is a Middlesex County Trial Attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on Criminal Law, Probate, Estate and litigation topics.
He was awarded the NJ State State Bar Municipal Court Practitioner of the Year.
He lectures and handles criminal cases, Municipal Court, DWI, traffic and other litigation matters.
To schedule a confidential consultation, call us or New clients email us evenings and weekends via contact box www.njlaws.com.
Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C,
2053 Woodbridge Avenue,
Edison, NJ 08817,
(732) 572-0500