Kenneth Vercammen is a Middlesex County Trial Attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on Criminal Law, Probate, Estate and litigation topics.

He was awarded the NJ State State Bar Municipal Court Practitioner of the Year.

He lectures and handles criminal cases, Municipal Court, DWI, traffic and other litigation matters.

To schedule a confidential consultation, call us or New clients email us evenings and weekends via contact box

Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C,

2053 Woodbridge Avenue,

Edison, NJ 08817,

(732) 572-0500

Sunday, July 31, 2016

St. Thomas Aquinas High School 40 year Reunion Class of 1977 (aka Bishop Ahr High School) Sat. July 15, 2017 6pm- 11pm

St. Thomas Aquinas High School 40 year Reunion Class of 1977  (aka Bishop Ahr High School) 
   Sat. July 15, 2017  6pm- 11pm
Where:  Edison Elks Lodge/ Edison Community Pool 375 Old Post Road
Edison NJ 08817-4653
         Includes- steak, draft beer, corn on the cob, salad, bread, swimming pool open,  D.J. & Dancing.   Cash bar for wine/ mixed drinks. Bring your own snacks or veggie food. Held in conjunction with the Edison Elks Family Pool Night- Rain or shine

Cost:   $30.00 Ticket must be purchased prior to July 13. Make checks payable to Edison Elks
Att: 40th Reunion at Edison Elks
2053 Woodbridge Ave.
Edison, NJ 08817
    Include a stamped, self- addressed envelope.  Tickets will be mailed back. 
Tickets also available to be purchased directly at the Edison Elks Lodge, 375 Old Post Rd., Edison 732-985-2487
      Tickets at the door will be an $40- additional $10.00  No children permitted by state law since alcohol served. Outdoor Casual dress plus pool open
         Reunion Info  [People who live near Edison Elks club ] 
         Ken Vercammen   732-572-0500 w         email


         All Members from Class of 1977 invited to join reunion committee. Reunion committee "get together"  social will be held at Edison Elks.
         Provide you email address on Facebook . Additional details at  Facebook.

Yes, I will attend. Enclosed is my check for $ _____

Name: ___________________________

Mailing address: ____________________________________________

Email address: __________________________________________  

Monday, July 25, 2016

ABA Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Committee Summer Report 2016



Council Reports may include:  1) committee report;  2) action item; 3) informational Report

Division Name and Number:  Division: 3 – Practice Specialty                                                                        

Division Director Name: Christine Albano

Reporting Board or Committee (and Group, if appropriate): ABA Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Committee Summer Report 2016

Completed By: Kenneth Vercammen Chair, Edison, NJ

1.     What has your committee or board done since its last report (e.g., conference call, meetings, publications, use of discussion lists, planning for CLE programs, publications and articles, collaboration with other committees, boards or sections, etc.)?
-June Conference call with ABA Commission on Law and Aging, and invites other members of committee to participate.
-Webinar Wills and Estate Administration for the Small Firm Lawyer: Improving Practice and Increasing Income ABA webinar
June 14 2016 from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. 
   ABA Webinar CE1604WEA

   1. Preparation for Wills/Estate Planning Interviews
   2. Interviewing Clients
   3. Signing documents and Additional Estate Planning Issues
   4. Probate, Estate Administration
   5 Marketing Your Wills and Estate Administration Practice

Format: Webinar
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET

Credits: 1.50 General CLE Credit Hours
Sponsor(s): ABA

-       Invited members to NJ Bar Association Summer Blast happy hour at the Jersey shore.
-       Successful Committee meeting at the Spring Key West meeting

2.     What is the status of your committee or board’s business plan for the year (e.g., participation of committee board members, goals achieved, new goals, etc.)?
-An email will be sent to all Committee members to invite them to participate in the ABA Aging conference call in September
- We will continue to Publicize the book “Wills and Estate Administration Practice” to help generate revenue for Division. 

3.     Does your committee or board need any assistance from your Director, Staff, Division Officers, or Council?  If yes, please explain:
Help market the   three ABA books which generate revenue for the Division
Ken V’s new ABA book “Wills and Estate Administration” was released the end of 2015. This is Ken’s 3rd book for the Solo Division.
We also need assistance to promote sales for ABA Book: “Smart Marketing For the Small Firm Lawyer” from the American Bar Association.
    Author:  Kenneth A Vercammen
Sponsor(s):  Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division
Publisher(s):  ABA Book Publishing 

We also offered to set up on Brown Bag webinar to discuss chapters in the “Wills and Estate Administration Practice” book and are waiting for a response.

Report on anything else: We would like to have a program at Annual Meeting 2017 – New York, New York August 10 - 15

4.     Are you submitting an action item to be presented to Council?  If so, please describe: NO

(Attach additional sheets as needed as well as a copy of your most recent meeting minutes.)

ABA Elder Law Committee Summer Report 2016



Division Name and Number: Practice Specialty   Division: 3                                                                      

Division Director Name: Christine Albano

Reporting Board or Committee (and Group, if appropriate): ABA Elder Law Committee Summer Report 2016

Completed By: Kenneth Vercammen Chair, Edison, NJ

1.     What has your committee or board done since its last report (e.g., conference call, meetings, publications, use of discussion lists, planning for CLE programs, publications and articles, collaboration with other committees, boards or sections, etc.)?
-June Conference call with ABA Commission on Law and Aging, and invites other members of committee to participate.
-Webinar Wills and Estate Administration for the Small Firm Lawyer: Improving Practice and Increasing Income ABA webinar
June 14 2016 from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. 
   ABA Webinar CE1604WEA

   1. Preparation for Wills/Estate Planning Interviews
   2. Interviewing Clients
   3. Signing documents and Additional Estate Planning Issues
   4. Probate, Estate Administration
   5 Marketing Your Wills and Estate Administration Practice

Format: Webinar
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET

Credits: 1.50 General CLE Credit Hours
Sponsor(s): ABA

-       Invited members to NJ Bar Association Summer Blast happy hour at the Jersey shore.
-       Successful Committee meeting with the Tax Committee and Estate Committee at the Spring Key West meeting

2.     What is the status of your committee or board’s business plan for the year (e.g., participation of committee board members, goals achieved, new goals, etc.)?
-An email will be sent to all Committee members to invite them to participate in the ABA Aging conference call in September
- We will continue to Publicize the book “Wills and Estate Administration Practice” to help generate revenue for Division. 

3.     Does your committee or board need any assistance from your Director, Staff, Division Officers, or Council?  If yes, please explain:
Help market the   three ABA books which generate revenue for the Division
Ken V’s new ABA book “Wills and Estate Administration” was released the end of 2015. This is Ken’s 3rd book for the Solo Division.
We also need assistance to promote sales for ABA Book: “Smart Marketing For the Small Firm Lawyer” from the American Bar Association.
    Author:  Kenneth A Vercammen
Sponsor(s):  Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division
Publisher(s):  ABA Book Publishing 

We also offered to set up on Brown Bag webinar to discuss chapters in the “Wills and Estate Administration Practice” book and are waiting for a response.

Report on anything else: We would like to have a program at Annual Meeting 2017 – New York, New York August 10 - 15

4.     Are you submitting an action item to be presented to Council?  If so, please describe: NO