Division Name and Number: Practice Specialty Division: 3 –
Division Director Name: Kari Petrasek
By: Kenneth Vercammen Co-Chair, Edison, NJ
1. What has your board or committee
done since its last report (e.g., conference call, meetings, use of discussion
lists, planning for CLE programs, publications and articles, collaboration with
other boards, committees, or sections)?
-Participated in April 10 conference
call with ABA Aging
and Law Networking sponsored by ABA Commission on Aging
-Publicized ABA Committee in email newsletter and blog
-Helped publicize Division’s book
“Wills and Estate Administration Practice” approx 240 pages to help raise
revenue for section- Sale of book reported to be good
-Proposed Meeting at New York
Annual meeting
-Meet with ABA Publications in Chicago on March 13 to discuss sales of
GP solo book “Wills and Estate Administration”
-Spoke with ABA publishing who wishes to create a new book “Creating
the Million Dollar Estate Planning Practice”?
- Invited members to submit articles to GP Solo
-Invited members to participate
in Free ABA Law and Aging Networking Calls.
These calls are open
to staff and volunteer leaders in any ABA entity with an interest in developing
programing on issues relating to Aging and Law.
Please share this message with colleagues who may want to participate
and encourage people to email me to be added to the invitation list (
2. What is the status of your board or committee’s
business plan for the year (e.g., participation of board or committee members,
goals achieved, and new goals)?
- Provide information to members for
the free July 10 ABA Aging Conf call- 2nd
- Publicize Meeting at New York Annual
meeting August
-Continue to
help promote ABA books to raise revenue for section
-Offer to GP
Solo members free portions of articles/ forms from NJ Bar Annual Nuts &
Bolts of Elder Law held on May 1
-Invite Chair
elect the legendary Steve Williams and Division members to free NJ Bar Summer
Happy Hour at the NJ Shore on July 15
- Hope to submit
articles to Solo
- Invite NJ attorneys and anyone at to attend free seminar May 15 at
7pm Wills, Estate Planning & Probate Seminar Woodbridge Library-May is Older Americans Month
3. Does
your board or committee need any assistance
from the Director, Staff, Division Officers, or Council? If yes, please
-Set up Committee
meeting in New York
-Please help with promotion of Promoted recent ABA
“Wills & Estate
Administration” and
“Smart Marketing For
the Small Firm Lawyer” from the American Bar Association.
Kenneth A Vercammen
Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division
List Price: $79.95
ABA Price: $69.95
ISBN: 978-1-63425-380-2
Product Code: 5150484
2016, 290 pages, 7 x 10, Paperback
American Bar Association
Service Hotline
List any action items to be presented
to Council. None needed
List any informational items to be
represented to Council. These items are
matters for the Council’s information and do not require action.- None