AAA Attorney Fee
Attorney's Fees Reimbursement Service when you hire Ken
Vercammen, Esq.
In order to assure a fair hearing for members accused of certain
traffic violations, the AAA Club offers an attorney's fees
reimbursement service. The Club does not in any way practice law
nor does it establish attorney's fees, since such fees will be
dependent entirely upon the circumstances surrounding the
particular case. The attorney must be chosen by the member and
the attorney's fees must be paid in full by the member. The paid
receipt should then be submitted to the Club for consideration of
reimbursement based on the reimbursement schedule contained
The attorney's fees reimbursement service is strictly for the purpose
of helping defray the costs incurred when a member retains the
services of an attorney to assist in the defense of charges of
common moving violations resulting from the operation of a motor
vehicle where the member feels unjustly accused, and desires a fair
and impartial trial.
Schedule of Reimbursable Attorney's Fees (This schedule provides
the maximum amount to be reimbursed per listed violation for
regular AAA members, as well as for AAA members who have the
additional benefit of AAA PLUS, provided all conditions for
eligibility have been satisfied.)
Regular PLUS Members Members For defense of Reckless Driving
or Endangerment, not exceeding 35.00 400.00
If appealed not more than additional 35.00 200.00
For defense of alleged moving violations of traffic laws, not
exceeding 25.00 100.00
For lawyer's representation at hearings on suspension or revocation
of license or registration by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, up to 0
AAA member Kenneth Vercammen, Esq. is available for
representation. To schedule an confidential consultation, please
contact The Law Office of KENNETH A. VERCAMMEN, 732-