Offense 39:4-50 Driving while intoxicated penalty
2nd Offense 39:4-50 Driving while intoxicated penalty
- imprisonment of not less than 48 consecutive hours, which shall not be suspended or served on
probation, nor more than 90 days, and
- drivers license suspension for 2 years, and
- community service for 30 days, and
- VCCA $50, DDEF $100, SNSF $75, and $100 surcharge, and
- may order participation in a supervised visitation program as either a condition of probation or a form
of community service, and
- shall order installation of ignition interlock device for not less than 1 year nor more than 3 years, or
shall revoke all registration certificates and registration plates for 2 years, and
- satisfy the screening, evaluation, and referral requirements of the IDRC. If these requirements are not
met, then mandatory 2-day term of imprisonment and drivers license suspension until requirements are satisfied.
Plus $3,000 mvc surcharges and 9 car insurance points
Offense 39:4-50 Driving while intoxicated penalty
2nd Offense 39:4-50 Driving while intoxicated penalty
- imprisonment of not less than 48 consecutive hours, which shall not be suspended or served on
probation, nor more than 90 days, and
- drivers license suspension for 2 years, and
- community service for 30 days, and
- VCCA $50, DDEF $100, SNSF $75, and $100 surcharge, and
- may order participation in a supervised visitation program as either a condition of probation or a form
of community service, and
- shall order installation of ignition interlock device for not less than 1 year nor more than 3 years, or
shall revoke all registration certificates and registration plates for 2 years, and
- satisfy the screening, evaluation, and referral requirements of the IDRC. If these requirements are not
met, then mandatory 2-day term of imprisonment and drivers license suspension until requirements are satisfied.
Plus $3,000 mvc surcharges and 9 car insurance points