Client Estate Planning Checklist This list is designed to assist you or your heirs in locating important documents and information needed to settle your estate. You should review this document regularly and update as needed. 1. Will a. Date signed: _____________________________________________________ b. Where located: __________________________________________________ c. Name of executor: ________________________________________________ 2. Trust a. Date signed: _____________________________________________________ b. Where located: __________________________________________________ c. Name of trustee: _________________________________________________ 3. Durable power of attorney for finances a. Date signed: _____________________________________________________ b. Where located: __________________________________________________ c. Name of attorney-in-fact: __________________________________________ 4. Living will a. Date signed: _____________________________________________________ b. Where located: __________________________________________________ 5. Health care power of attorney a. Date signed: _____________________________________________________ b. Where located: __________________________________________________ c. Name of attorney-in-fact: __________________________________________ 6. Health insurance a. Name of carrier: _________________________________________________ b. Carrier’s address/phone number: ___________________________________ c. Policy number: __________________________________________________ 7. Disability insurance a. Name of carrier: _________________________________________________ b. Carrier’s address/phone number: ___________________________________ c. Policy number: ___________________________________________________ 8. Long term care insurance a. Name of carrier: _________________________________________________ b. Carrier’s address/phone number: ___________________________________ c. Policy number: ___________________________________________________ 9. Life insurance a. Name of carrier: _________________________________________________ b. Carrier’s address/phone number: ___________________________________ c. Policy number: ___________________________________________________ d. Named beneficiary: ______________________________________________ 10. Retirement/employee benefits a. Company name, address, and phone number: _______________________ b. Named beneficiary: _____________________________________________ 11. Letter of instructions (funeral and burial; insurance papers; location of will and trust; location of safe deposit box; names/addresses/phone numbers of lawyer, accountant, broker, and clergy member; instructions for distribution of tangible personal property; expression of wishes for family/friends; business instruction) 12. Personal financial information including credit cards, loans, checking and savings accounts, brokerage accounts, stocks, bonds and U.S. savings bonds, mutual funds, outstanding loans both owing and owed 13. List of doctors 14. Statement of wishes concerning personal matters 15. Current and complete references to all personal property currently owned 16. Location of business buy/sell agreements, partnership papers, corporate filings, and other business-related paperwork 17. Irrevocable insurance trust 18. Specification of all property, individual, joint, community, and mixed 19. Any gift tax returns filed? When/Where/Type of gift 20. Deeds to all real property |
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Kenneth Vercammen is a Middlesex County Trial Attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on Criminal Law, Probate, Estate and litigation topics.
He was awarded the NJ State State Bar Municipal Court Practitioner of the Year.
He lectures and handles criminal cases, Municipal Court, DWI, traffic and other litigation matters.
To schedule a confidential consultation, call us or New clients email us evenings and weekends via contact box
Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C,
2053 Woodbridge Avenue,
Edison, NJ 08817,
(732) 572-0500