Kenneth Vercammen is a Middlesex County Trial Attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on Criminal Law, Probate, Estate and litigation topics.

He was awarded the NJ State State Bar Municipal Court Practitioner of the Year.

He lectures and handles criminal cases, Municipal Court, DWI, traffic and other litigation matters.

To schedule a confidential consultation, call us or New clients email us evenings and weekends via contact box

Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C,

2053 Woodbridge Avenue,

Edison, NJ 08817,

(732) 572-0500

Monday, March 12, 2018

E423 NJ Laws Email Newsletter

Greetings Kenneth Vercammen,

1.Why choose an Elder Law Attorney? By Tom Begley, Jr.
Rather than being defined by technical and legal distinctions, ElderLawis defined by the clients to be served. In other words, the attorney who practices Elder Law works primarilywith people as they age.
Elder Law attorneys use a variety of legal tools and techniques to meet the goals and objectives of their clients.Elder Law attorneys typically work with other professionals in various fields to provide their clients quality service and ensure their needs are met.
Usingthis holistic approach, for example,an Elder Law attorney will address general estate planning issues and will counselclients about planning for incapacity with alternative decision-making documents.This attorney will also assist clients in planning for possible long-term care needs, including nursing home care. Locating the appropriate type of care, coordinating private and public resources to finance the cost of care, and working to ensure the clients right to quality care are all part of the Elder Law practice.
Legal problems that affect the elderly are growing in number. Our laws and regulations are becoming more complex. Actions taken by older people with regard to a single matter may have unintended legal effects. It is important for attorneys dealing with the elderly to have a broad understanding of the laws that may have an impact on a given situation, to avoid future problems.
Unfortunately, this job is not made easy by the fact that Elder Law encompasses many different fields of law. Some of these include:
Preservation/transfer of assets seeking to avoid spousal impoverishment when a spouse enters a nursing home
Conservatorships and guardianships
Estate planning, including planning for the management of ones estate during life and its disposition on death through the use of trusts, wills and other planning documents
Administration and management of trusts and estates
You will want to hire the attorney who regularly handles matters in the area of concern in your particular case and who will know enough about the other fields to question whether the action being taken might be affected by laws in any of the other areas of law on the list. For example, if you are going to rewrite your will and your spouse is ill, the estate planner needs to know enough about Medicaid to know whether it is an issue with regard to your spouses inheritance.
Attorneys who primarily work with the elderly bring more to their practice than an expertise in the appropriate area of law. They bring to their practice a knowledge of the elderly that allows them and their staff to ignore the myths relating to aging and the competence of the elderly. At the same time, they will take into account and empathize with some of the true physical and mental difficulties that often accompany the aging process. Their understanding of the afflictions of the aged allows them to determine more easily the difference between the physical versus the mental disability of a client. They are more aware of real life problems, health and otherwise, that tend to crop up as persons age. They are tied into a formal or informal system of social workers, psychologists and other elder care professionals who may be of assistance to you. All of these things will hopefully make you more comfortable when dealing with them and ease your way as you try to resolve your legal problem.
Source:Begley E-Lert,Begley Law Group, 509 South Lenola Road, Building 7, Moorestown, NJ 800.533.7227Tom Begley Jr. has been a speaker with Ken Vercammen at the Elder Law & Estate Administration program sponsored by the NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education.
2. Real Estate Sales - Time to Prepare your Home for Sale
To better serve our Probate and Senior citizen clients, Kenneth Vercammen has taken and passed the NJ Real Estate Salesperson test. The examination consists of numerous questions taken over a 4-hour period after taking numerous classes. Mr. Vercammen is now also a licensed real estate agent. Even if we cannot handle the closing, we can refer you to realtors or attorneys experienced in real estate purchases or sales.
3. Join the Edison Community PoolNow!
The Metuchen Branch YMCA and the Edison Elks are once again pleased to co-sponsor the Edison Community Pool, located on Old Post Road in Edison. They look forward to serving the South Edison Community and surrounding areas this summer.
The newly renovated Edison Community Pool located on Old Post Road in South Edison is surrounded by a wooded picnic area. The facility boasts a 25-yard, 4-lane pool, water slide and a kiddie pool for youngsters.
Bathrooms with showers and a snack area with vending machines are conveniently located around the pool area. A sand-filled volleyball court, basketball courts and playground make this swim club a place for family fun.
Edison Pool Dates and Hours of Operation:
The pool will be open fro the summer starting June 20 through Labor Day
Also available this year swim lessons for children ages 4-6 and 7-8.