NJ Municipal courts are back in (Zoom) Session
We are helping clients by resolving cases while courts physically closed due to Covid
1. After attorney is retained, a Letter of Representation is sent to both court and the prosecutor.
2. We call court to confirm letter received, then ask court which prosecutor is handling the case. Many towns have more than one prosecutor.
3. We email the prosecutor a proposed reduced charge plea.
4. After plea deal with prosecutor is confirmed, we prepare a Defense by Certification/ Plea by mail. Often the prosecutor will also email a plea form to also be agreed by the person charged.
5. Plea forms are signed by the person charged [the client], then emailed to both court and prosecutor.
6. For regular traffic tickets, the court will often accept the client’s sign plea form without an appearance on Zoom.
7. For all criminal charges and serious traffic that are resolved, the court will require an appearance by Zoom, telephone or Microsoft teams.
8. We recommend clients review their traffic history and municipal court history for free online prior to the hearing if the judge asks them about prior tickets. https://portal.njcourts.gov/webe5/MPAWeb/index.jsp
You do not need a password to login
You can Search by:
Drivers License Number [for all your traffic violations]
Full Name [for all your traffic violations]
9. After case is resolved, pay by check or online https://portalnjmcdirect-cloud.njcourts.gov/prweb/PRServletPublicAuth/wQ2guhy8lqKPggD8pVI7RLYVZ9vxwNMF*/!STANDARD?AppName=NJMC&fromBrowserHistory=true.
10. Trials and motions with witnesses must wait until physical court sessions resume, unless defendant and attorney consent. I do not recommend zoom trials or motions.