Trying Cases in Municipal Court-the Basics
Trying Cases in Municipal Court-the Basics
Municipal Court Practice program
May 15 Thursday 1-2:30pm
NJ State Bar Association NJSBA Annual Meeting
Borgata Hotel Atlantic City
Learn the new cases, rules and statutes, an insiders guide to handling cases in New Jerseys busiest courts. Municipal Court practice requires more knowledge than just showing up and pleading someone guilty. Learn from two of New Jerseys most respected lecturers on the subject. This course qualifies for Bridge The Gap credits. Speakers: John Menzel, J.D. Section Chair Jon-Henry Barr, Esq. President NJ Prosecutors Assoc. Kenneth Vercammen, Esq. Past Municipal Court Attorney of the Year Joshua Reinitz, Esq. NutleyFlash drive with forms and materials provided to all attendees!
Register at www.njsba.comThe following forms will be provided.
Cannot attend? Need forms? Send email to and select up to five forms or motions you request. The materials will be sent to you within 7 days, or fax your email address to 732-572-0030 fax Name ___________________ Email ___________________02 Lt of rep only 02 Discovery letter 02d Disc Complainant 03D Retainer-MUN COURT Bail reduce Motion Brief post convict vacate plea Conditional Discharge Pet Cl New Conditional Dismissal Motion DUI Motions non disc- jury DWI- Blood defense brief MIRANDA brief Motion for Civil Reservation Motion for Slap Motion- Dismiss No disc mun Pros MVC points list No discovery dismiss Brief OBJ TO LAB CERT Order mark try or dismiss SUPPRESSION BRIEF