2C:20-35 Definitions.
1. As used in this act:
ATP card means a document issued by a State or federal agency, to a
certified household, to show the food stamp allotment a household is
authorized to receive on presentation.
Benefit card means a card used or intended for use to access Work First
New Jersey, food stamp or other benefits as determined by the
Commissioner of Human Services under the electronic benefit distribution
system established pursuant to the Public Assistance Electronic Benefit
Distribution System Act, P.L.1985, c.501 (C.44:10-5.1 et seq.) and
continued pursuant to P.L.1997, c.37 (C.44:10-71 et al.).
Department means the Department of Human Services.
Food stamp coupon means any coupon or stamp used or intended for use in
the purchase of food pursuant to the federal food stamp program
authorized by Title XIII of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977,
Pub.L.95-113 (7 U.S.C.s.2011 et seq.), or the New Jersey Supplementary
Food Stamp Program established pursuant to P.L.1998, c.32 (C.44:10-79 et
L.1993,c.13,s.1; amended 1995, c.215, s.1; 1997, c.37, s.8; 1998, c.32, s.7.